War and Peace maps

If your game is not on the list or if it has not been updated for a while, click here to put your map up. If your game is not on the list or if it has not been updated for a while, use the Mapper script to update it.

States 1-3 are free for use. Only $1 per month to get access. Price List. States 1-3 are free for use. Only $2 per month to get access. Price List. States 1-3 are free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games. State 1 is free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games. States 1-4 are free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games.

Id Time since update Players Total Power Average Power
1 3d 18h 3403 1,609.13bn 472,859k
2 3d 22h 2827 846.05bn 299,277k
3 3d 22h 2946 1,109.32bn 376,552k
4 3d 09h 2923 1,333.56bn 456,232k
5 3d 19h 2726 794.53bn 291,464k
7 3d 19h 1898 314.87bn 165,898k
8 3d 19h 7149 264.38bn 36,981k
9 3d 22h 2037 310.1bn 152,238k
10 3d 18h 1839 119.03bn 64,727k
11 3d 18h 5705 256.01bn 44,875k
12 3d 19h 8748 271.09bn 30,989k
13 3d 22h 6442 167.28bn 25,967k
14 3d 20h 8774 171.08bn 19,499k
15 3d 18h 8940 286.88bn 32,089k
16 3d 19h 9887 187.38bn 18,952k
17 3d 19h 9933 359.8bn 36,222k
18 3d 18h 9078 149.74bn 16,495k
19 3d 22h 9865 191.16bn 19,378k
20 3d 19h 9959 247.93bn 24,895k
21 3d 19h 9943 285.67bn 28,731k
22 3d 00h 9997 508.56bn 50,871k
23 4d 22h 8731 199.4bn 22,839k
24 3d 19h 9865 218.27bn 22,126k
25 3d 18h 10089 149.46bn 14,814k
Old States
6 1yrs 5m 4d 9032 1,162.02bn 128,656k

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